So, this happened. I decided to cut one of my oldest plants. Two cuts are available, one mid and one tip.
The tip suffered some slug damage early on in the year, please see the pictures for reference.
The mid also has some sun damage but will not affect pup production once rooted.
Steps For Rooting
Once the cut is received, place it around 1/2 inch to 1 inch in a pot of substrate. I use wooden kebab skewers to hold up the piece. Water lightly and you should start getting new root growth within a few weeks to a few months depending on conditions.
An alternative way would be to stick them in perlite and wait for them to root, once roots form you can re-pot.
All plants sold are strictly for garden / ornamental purposes, not for human consumption.
We are here to cultivate these beautiful plants and spread them as far as we can, nothing outside of growing (all things related to growing) will be tollerated.
1 review for Tr. peruvianus – Peruvian Torch